Gate Automation & Barriers

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Gates, Barriers or Bollards can be controlled manually or electronically making sure you can allow only persons/vehicles with permission, access to the controlled area. Linking a CCTV system (with or without ANPR) to any gate automation system means many entrances and exits can be monitored from one stand alone system. Having an open gate to your

We recommend gate, barrier or bollard automation being in place at the following

  • Office car parks
  • Hospital car parks (ANPR recommended)
  • Block of flat / Apartments car parks
  • Park and Ride
  • Multi-Story car parks (ANPR recommended)
  • Bus Lane one way only areas (Bollards recommended)
  • Private properties with significant value (Gates recommended)
  • Hotels (Gates or Barriers recommended)
  • Private business/unit parking (Bollards and barriers recommended)
  • Schools, Nurseries, College’s, Universities (Gates and Barriers recommended)
  • Leisure Centres/Gyms for members (Barriers or Turnstiles recommended)
  • Airports (Barriers, Bollards, Turnstiles and Gates all recommended with ANPR for extra security)
Gate Automation & Barriers Rapido Security

With any car park we recommend ANPR cameras due to a pay and display system normally in place, this allows you to maintain a record of traffic by vehicle registration, this allows you to check payment has been made.


  • Bollards can be use with a key manually or electronically
  • Gates can be manually opened or electronically by either remote access control, ID swipe card/fob or ANPR recognised by the number plate.
  • CCTV links allow extra security on entrances and exits.
  • Turnstiles can be opened electronically by a member swipe card.
  • Stops people accessing areas without permission.
  • Strong, sturdy materials used.
  • Automatic Number Plate Recognition – (ANPR Cameras only)
  • Face Recognition – (Alerts you if a customer/person has come past/into your business premises on a number of occasions)